Another Unexpected Meltdown

Thank you for the loving responses I received after yesterday’s post. Turns out I’m not the only crazy person! You guys are weird! Just kidding.

I am still crazier than you because I managed to pitch yet another baby fit before the sun came up this morning. Weeeee!

It’s Monday which means 5:30 a.m. Crossfit wake-up call. Our WOD today was Diane.

I was feeling ready. I made homemade vegan chili last night. I slept well. I chugged my Vega Pre-Workout energizer. Let’s do this! I used 135 pounds for the dead lift. I kipped the handstand push-ups. Then, all too quickly, my muscles started failing and bad words flew out of my mouth before I even knew what was happening. It felt different from the usual “cursing under my breath” scenario. This was extremely emotional, loud, and angry. In other words: I lost my mind because my muscles couldn’t keep up and I was failing all over the place. Yay for hitting emotional nerves two days in a row!! Look at me! I’m a grown-up!!

I publicly apologize to my fellow Jai-ers who witnessed this childish meltdown.

As if cursing, yelling, and pounding at the ground in-between sets wasn’t enough, I threw my ab mats across the room upon completion of the WOD. And, scene.

Was that dramatic enough?

This is what us therapists refer to as ‘inner-child work’. And apparently my inner-five-year-old needs a serious time-out.

Things just got cute around here. My brother sent me this photo after a texting-war erupted between he and I, where I was trying to figure out if he was okay amidst hurricane Sandy and he would only reply with lines from ‘Cast Away’. His inner-five-year-old was about to get punched. Then he employed this cuteness-distraction-tactic and now all I can think about is how much I miss my family.

P.S. FOR PLANT NERDS ONLY. Everyone else stop reading. I can feel your judgement.

How cool does the resurrection fern look today!?!!!

No more meltdowns. I promise.
And, scene.


  1. Megan

    Ok that fern is awesome, can you explain in non plant people terms what is happening here?!?! And your meltdowns make me giggle. I typically attribute mine to stress and menstruation. If neither of those are the case I suggest a prego test. On a serious note, you are a badass chick, keep it together : ) love you lots!

  2. tiffanybluegirl23

    Maybe it was meltdown day because I had a terrible two tantrum today. No need for details but I was just shy of throwing myself on the floor.

    I think I need a (one direction) reserection fern. I could just sit and stare at it. Today’s pic of it made me smile.

      • tiffanybluegirl23

        It’s only fitting since you named that one succulent after a character (or the actor) on a show. I have cheked with the two nurseries here to see if they had or can get me a “One Direction” fern. One is looking into it for me.

        I found the coolest “living” wreath on Pinterest and thought of you. It had succulents on it and was G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S!!!

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