Meet Joy

Well hello there! My name is Joy.

I live in Denver, Colorado. I believe my extreme nostalgia for the past, coupled with my obsessive need to document everything in life (I have a library of journals that date back to the 80’s), has led me to the blog world. I love running, Crossfit, yoga, food, fashion, music, and reading blogs. I have trouble sitting still. I’m a licensed professional counselor and work primarily with at-risk youth and families. I’m a spin instructor. I’ve won 3 Emmy Awards. I once danced in the Super Bowl halftime show. I’m 35 years old. I have a twin brother. I grew up in Mesa, Arizona. I watch chick flicks. I dance in front of the mirror to JT and Beyonce. I believe life is meant to be fun, happy, and joyful! Who knows where this journey will take us? I hope you’ll stick around and find out.


  1. Dee Zarra

    What a fun thing, a Joy blog!! Wish there was another name for “blog” tho! It’s sounds like something a cat throws up – sorry!! Enjoyed reading about your thoughts/ideas/plans.
    LOL – no, not laugh out loud, “lots of love”, MOM

  2. Kath

    So awesome Joy! You Go! I wish I were as good at documenting as you are, it’s cool! One of my good friends lives in AZ and loves yoga, running and LULU too! Small world for sure!



  3. Katherine

    Hello Joy!! You are fabulous! I love the fact that I have aready learned something new about. It’s so cool that you have dance in a super bowl half time!

  4. tomei

    Lovin the Joy! A perfect blend of the abstract, daydreams, and “I love them redheads”, aka super cool!

  5. Patryce France

    love the blog girlfriend. U are such an amazing woman. And I love the fact you’re my friend.


  6. ccbrand

    Hello Joy, so nice to ‘meet’ you! Thank you for liking my post. I look forward to working my way thru your blog…thank you for introducing me to it.

  7. primalpat

    Thanks for reading and liking little ol’ me, Joy! How nice to ‘meet’ you on this vast interwebs! We have much in common: crazy cats, Crossfit, dancing when our SOs aren’t around. I keep meeting eerily similar people thanks to blogging. What a world! Hope you end up ‘like’-ing more recipes 🙂

    • joyintheday

      What a world! I love it! Nice to meet you too! I love all of the amazing people I’ve encountered in the blog world. Super cool 🙂 Looking forward to keeping up with you!

  8. ichoosehealthyandfit

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I really like yours & look forward to reading more. Have a great weekend!

  9. hcaponte

    Hi Joy! Thanks for liking my blog 🙂 I am actually moving out to Golden, CO. If you have any great tips for finding good running groups in the area I would love to hear! Thanks!

  10. Smashley

    Joy! I just found your blog!! Remeber me from Jai? Smash?! Anywho, just thought I’d say hi and let you know I’m a follower and love your writing! I’m training for the Boulder Half so anytime you want an Endurance buddy, I’m your girl!

  11. S.N.S

    Thanks for stumbling across my blog – I freakin’ love yours! The Denver Retro Run needs to come to London, it looked like too much fun. Thankfully Book of Mormon is already on it’s way here:)

    Good luck with the sleep study

  12. LovesToFly

    Thanx for visiting my blog! I love yours…and we have some things in common! I also love running, spinning and yoga, I am a social worker and work with youth and families…and I have a twin brother!

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