Did I Just Run 13.1?

You know it’s going to be a good race when this guy starts the show. I love the Hawaiian culture. I almost cried when he blew the conch shell. Then I realized this isn’t a broadway show and I need to pull myself together to run 13.1 miles.


You also know it’s going to be a good race when a bird poops on the lady taking your photo. Before the race began Scott and I asked a lady to take our photo at the start line. The moment she snapped the photo poop landed on her face. This was not a “was that poop or just dirt??” moment. It was undoubtedly a large bird who clearly wanted to send us his blessing by giving us an obvious sign. We felt bad she had to be the victim of his message but on the bright side our photo turned out fine.

At the risk of sounding totally full of myself I kicked ass today!!! I finished 4th in my division with a time of 1:49:00. I was hauling my crossfit as$ like there was no tomorrow. My legs felt amazing thank you Dr. Hahler I hope you’re reading this (but don’t read my post about what to wear to a doc appointment or else I won’t be able to face you again)!!! In sum, because I haven’t used that phrase since junior high, it was a good race. A great race!! Thank you pooping birds.

Here I am pre-race doing something I never do: drink coffee out of a can (wtf?) and eating espresso GU (gross! but my options were limited). Wait a minute, I think I just found my secret pre-race weapon.


I love running races. I see and hear the funniest shi$ along the way. One guy ran the entire marathon dribbling a basketball. We saw him around mile 16 when we were leaving the race and he was still dribbling. I saw another guy walking the marathon wearing a nude speedo and the back was printed like a g-string. So for reals when I was about 400m away it looked like he was seriously walking the race in a g-string. I gave him a high-five for that one.

What a wonderful day!! I’m proud of my accomplishment but even more proud of my sweet husband who finished his first half-marathon today. The guy was so nervous he only slept one hour last night. I almost cried when he crossed the finish line. I almost-cry a lot.

Now it’s time to party and by that I mean go to bed at 8:15pm. Just kidding. I might make it until 9:30 tonight. And guess what? I didn’t feel bad about not doing the full marathon. So for those of you who had bets on me crashing the marathon I’m sorry to disappoint. I’ll do something nuts tonight like streak naked across the golf course. But you’ll have to take my word for it because nobody needs to see that.

Two more days of Alohaland!!


  1. tiffanybluegirl23

    Congrats on your time!

    Ive been checking throughout the day for your update. Totally excited for you and inspired by you. Now wishing there was a Crossfit box closer than 30 mins away from me. Have a great last Two days.

  2. 10n84w

    Congrats to you and the Mr. I’m trying to aim for the Miami ING Half Marathon in January as my first. Enjoy the rest of your time in HI.

  3. anne

    Yes, you are awesome! Congratulations! It sounds like it was a great race. I just finished my first training run for my half today! Yikes!

  4. Pingback: Where’s the Ocean? « Joy in the Day
  5. Kelly @ RaceFor50States

    haha! Love the almost cry moments. My life is riddled with those! Clearly those moments (plus a splash of bird poop and coffee, thank goodness not together) were what you needed to kick butt! What a great time and division place!

  6. sanjosemrtt

    Hello Joy –

    Congratulations on your race and time! What a fantastic location to run!

    Thank you also for liking my post. I just started blogging and was absolutely thrilled that someone other than my friends and family had checked it out. I am going to reblog your post as an inspirational piece to my mom-runners (once I figure out how to do that!). Doing a race in a fabulous locale is definitely one perk of running. I was in Fort Collins, CO recently and ran there – beautiful, despite the awful fires they have.

    BTW, my mom, who has gotten pooped on by birds three (yes, 3!!!) times, has always told me that it’s been a good omen for her….

    Thanks again! Irma

  7. Pingback: Crossfit Workouts for Endurance Athletes « Joy in the Day

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