Tagged: life

Guest Post: SMART Goals!

It’s a guest post! Michelle approached me earlier this month to write about SMART goals in honor of National Physical Fitness & Sports Month. Great idea, Michelle!! I’m a little late to the party since May is almost over, but, let’s go out with a bang, MAY!! Go get your goal on!!!

Designated as National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, May is the perfect time for us to take advantage of the great outdoors when striving to become healthier.  We can use this month to learn how to achieve balance in our nutrition and physical fitness levels. 

Michelle Pino has provided these tips in hopes to educate others on how to lead a more organized and less stressful life.  She believes a more organized approach to tasks will result in more completed goals. Michelle is thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Joy and together share their ideas on “­­­­­­­­­Joy in the Day”.

Getting SMART About Your Health Goals

Summer is fast approaching. What do you do if you want to get in shape for swimsuit season, but are stuck in a rut? How do you know if your health and fitness goals are even attainable? Try getting SMART, a goal-setting program that uses logical principles that help you zero in on what really matters to you. With May being National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, this is a great time to get started!

SMART is comprised of five principles that make up every successful goal:


Goals are more achievable when they are specific as opposed to general. For example, “I want to look better” is a vague statement. How do you want to look better? What do you have to do to meet that goal? A specific statement such as “I intend to lose ten pounds” gives you something to work with.

Under the SMART program, a specific goal answers five W questions: What do you want to accomplish? Why? Who is involved? Where will you go to accomplish your goal? Which requirements and constraints will you need to consider?


The second term requires that a goal be measured. If you cannot keep track of your progress, then you cannot know whether your goal can be achieved. Measurable goals answer how much, how many, and indicate when they are accomplished. An example is training for a 5k. You would need to know how much time you have until the race, how many miles/hours/days to train, and whether your time score indicates you’re meeting the goal.


To determine whether a goal is attainable, ask how it can be accomplished. If you find yourself taking extreme measures to meet your goal, that is an indication that it needs restructuring.

A goal has to be realistic. Seeking to lose twenty pounds in two weeks is not only dangerous, but also unattainable. Losing 2-3 pounds a week, however, is reasonable. The same applies to factors such as financial capabilities (whether you can afford the gym membership or exercise equipment), the amount of time you can allot to improving your health, and your general attitude towards your goals.


Goals must be personally meaningful. While it may be noble to attempt a healthier lifestyle at the suggestion of a friend or family member, you also have to want to make the goal a reality. Other factors come into play, too. Engaging in a new exercise program may not be feasible when school or work requires you to put in extra time, or when you are undergoing significant life changes such as marriage, divorce, or relocation.


The fifth term of a SMART goal deals with timeframes and target dates. Setting an endpoint to your efforts will motivate you to work diligently and consistently within the parameters to achieve your goal. It has been proven that people are more likely to meet their goals when they break them into increments. For instance, instead of focusing on the more daunting six month goal (lowering cholesterol intake), concentrate on what you can do this month (exercise 3 days a week), this week (eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily) and right now (forgo processed food).
Setting and achieving your health and wellness goals are entirely possible. Get SMART today.

May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, which makes for a great time to get out and get motivated!  Try creating your own inspiration board to help get on track.  Use images and quotes that inspire you to live a healthier, better life.

Getting SMART About Your Health Goals

1.      Love this Nike quote: so simple but so true! Source: Women’s Gear

2.      I’m really inspired by yoga for a number of reasons.  Yoga focuses the mind and body, teaching ourselves to find a spiritual balance.  I also love that yoga can be done anywhere, even the beach! The beach is so relaxing, a great place for yoga or walking. (Source: Beach Yoga)

3.      As part of my initiative to spend more time doing activities outdoors, I’ve started to learn to golf at Atunyote, a New York golf club near my work.  What I like about it is that it’s a leisurely sport, nothing too strenuous.   Source: Turning Stone Resort

4.      The best way to start is by adding more fruits and veggies to your regular routine.  Try a tasty green smoothie as your mid-morning snack.  Smoothies are a big trend right now.  They may look funky, but they taste great and can be adjusted to your liking! Source: Flickr

5.      An easy way to feel motivated is to buy some bright-colored workout gear.  If you feel good wearing it, you’ll be more excited to wear it when you exercise.  Source: Nike

Tell me about your goals!! Remember….we’re more accountable when we SHARE them with others!

And thank you Michelle!!

Not The Smartest Idea. But It Was Totally Worth It.

It was a Crossfit weekend. Loads of Crossfit. Enough! I need to throw myself in to an ice bath and not think about Crossfit for a few days!

My gym sponsored a local high school football team fundraiser Saturday. Here I am trying to throw that wallball over the goal post. Thank you, shoulders. P.S. My partner, Malia, and I took first place and won an awesome plaque made by the high school shop class. It’s lasered wood and has barbed wires on it…..BEST PRIZE EVER!!!! Thank you Arvada High School!!!


Then, I wasn’t inspired to change out of my gym clothes so I threw on a clean tank top and made a trip to Whole Foods. I tried not to laugh at the cashier when she asked, “Do you need help with your groceries today?” Take a closer look at these shoulders, lady. In fact, I’ll cradle this watermelon just to prove a point. Then I had a Crossfit moment: awwww, this is why we do Crossfit. To carry watermelons on our shoulders.


On Sunday my gym programmed Murph. I showed up and there was a weighted vest. Somebody had to wear it. I COULDN’T NOT WEAR IT.

Pre-Murph. How do you like my new kicks??


Post Murph. It was the hardest WOD experience I’ve had so far. But it was totally worth it. Coach Mike kept reminding us about mental toughness during the WOD. It’s amazing what humans are capable of when we put our mind to it. Thank you, Murph.


I’ve taken more naps this weekend than I care to admit. My body is wrecked…..oh did I mention we did ANOTHER Memorial Day WOD this morning? RECOVERY is in order!

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend! I’m starting to get weird which is what happens when I have too much time off. Idle time freaks me out. Back to work!! Have a great week!!


You Definitely Want To Talk Me Out Of This Idea

I listen to a ton of podcasts. A million bazillion to be exact. The other day on Dr. Drew’s podcast his guest asked what he was addicted to. His response? “Working”. I was in the middle of running 7 miles while listening to this podcast. I felt a zing of understanding hit my stomach when I heard his response.

I freaking love to work.

My therapist would stop me right now and say, “what does this working girl love about staying so busy?”. Yes, I’m in therapy again. That’s an entirely different conversation for an entirely different day. Do you ever feel like you’re going crazy? Like, for reals crazy? Because I do. And I hope there are some of you out there who come out of the woodwork with me and start talking about it. You’re not alone. That’s the sound of me raising my hand.

I love to work. I have a day job, a night job, and a weekend job. Why not add one more thing to my crazy plate? I was listening to another podcast this morning, The Adam and Drew Podcast, and my favorite person Adam Carolla said, “If you want to get good at something just start doing it”. Wise words, sir. I’ve tossed around the idea of doing a podcast for a long time. But then the voices in my head would say, “That’s dumb. Everybody has a podcast. You’re nobody special”. And, well, we all know how great the voices in our head are at giving advice.

Last week I approached the amazingly talented and hilarious blogger Claire (Ascent Blog) about doing a podcast together. She was all, “OMG LET’S DO IT”, and now we can’t stop talking about billboard photos and theme songs. Shoot for the moon, you guys. Shoot for the moon. If you don’t already read Claire’s blog now is the time to start. She is an amazing woman who lights up the room, even at a 5:30am WOD. I smile so big when I see her and even though we haven’t been friends for very long we talk like we have. I already started the laundry list of things we will discuss on our podcast including: Crossfit gym etiquette, Lululemon shorts, paleo vs vegan diet, behind the scenes of a Crossfit box, glitter, leg warmers, big shoulders, and butt muscles. STAY TUNED!!! Claire loves to talk. I love to laugh. You’re in for a wild ride.

As much as I LOVE working I know I don’t have time to record AND produce a podcast. We’re currently looking for a producer. You in? Email me!

Do you have an idea for our podcast name? Email me!! Or go to Claire’s blog and VOTE for your favorite potential podcast name.

Don’t mind the rainbow who took over my evening work productivity


It only made sense to take a break and play in the rainbows



Sunshine. Bare Legs. Waffles. Flowers.

I still haven’t gotten over my ride-along. Every time I see a cop car I secretly want to be pulled over. Normal reaction?

I’ve been complaining about stupid stuff lately; my second job (going MUCH better now), painful Crossfit hands (if we do ONE MORE WOD WITH PULLUPS I’M QUITTING. I’m so not quitting), traffic (dumbest thing to complain about ever…just turn up the JT, Demi Lavato, and Macklemore!!!), and what the eff to do with my hair (*sigh* I’ll never have the balls to do this).

ENOUGH WHINING ALREADY. I won’t allow these moods to live in my body for very long.

A few things that made me smile this weekend:

On my way home from teaching spin class Saturday morning I drove by Lowe’s and saw the garden center OPEN. I almost caused a few accidents swerving to turn in to the parking lot. FLOWERS!!!!!!


VEGAN WAFFLE SANDWICH!!! It was my first trip to Nooch Vegan Market. The Waffleganger food truck was parked out front. No brainer. And it was a gorgeous, sunny day. And I was wearing a tank top. I ate this bad boy sitting in the sunshine in my tank top.

MORE SUNSHINE which means an extra long run in super short shorts. Hey, this tan doesn’t happen overnight. I’m sorry for those of you who have to witness the pale before the tan. Seven miles and 3 shades closer to tan-town.

I’m better now. Sometimes you have to silence the voices in your head by making them run 7 miles and then shove waffles in their face.

I’m not going to lie. I also watched a lot of Dr. Drew Celebrity Rehab and danced to the Kelly Clarkson Pandora station.

Don’t judge my therapy.

Working Like A Dog

Hello. Hi. I’m embracing the mess this week. Literally and figuratively. My house is a wreck because painters have invaded my bedroom and bathroom. I’m trying so hard not to freak out and follow them around with a vacuum. Yeah, I’m that bad.

I also started a second job this week teaching at the University of Phoenix. Faculty, baby! I think I made my students dizzy because I pace back-and-forth the entire class. Personality Psychology just does it for me.

I’m tired and grumpy and haven’t been to Crossfit in two days. Yeah, I’m that bad.

Do you have a tough time picking out paint colors? Because I typically experience at least 3 meltdowns during the paint-picking-process. This time I took to the internet and overwhelmed myself EVEN MORE by reading design blogs. But I found an awesome post about finding the perfect gray paint colors according to Ryan Gosling. NOW we’re talking. Let’s talk paint all day every day and even on Sunday.

One of my colors is Gray Owl. It only took 3 trips to 3 different paint stores. The ‘classic Ryan Gosling’ look.


I just don’t understand how OCD folks survive home improvements. I may never recover.

To keep myself sane I’ve been playing with therapy dogs who got to spend the entire week at our office. LUCKY DOGS. Lucky us.

Maybe I just need to stare at more pictures of Ryan Gosling.